Archive for March 2011

An Excerpt from
The Power of Discipline
By Brian Tracy
Why are some people more successful than others? Why do some people make more money, live happier lives and accomplish much more in the same number of years than the great majority?
I started out in life with few advantages. I did not graduate from high school. I worked at menial jobs. I had limited education, limited skills and a limited future.
And then I began asking, “Why are some people more successful than others?” This question changed my life.
Over the years, I have read thousands of books and articles on the subjects of success and achievement. It seems that the reasons for these accomplishments have been discussed and written about for more than two thousand years, in every conceivable way. One quality that most philosophers, teachers and experts agree on is the importance of self-discipline. As Al Tomsik summarized it years ago, “Success is tons of discipline.”
Some years ago, I attended a conference in Washington. It was the lunch break and I was eating at a nearby food fair. The area was crowded and I sat down at the last open table by myself, even though it was a table for four.
A few minutes later, an older gentleman and a younger woman who was his assistant came along carrying trays of food, obviously looking for a place to sit.
With plenty of room at my table, I immediately arose and invited the older gentleman to join me. He was hesitant, but I insisted. Finally, thanking me as he sat down, we began to chat over lunch.
It turned out that his name was Kop Kopmeyer. As it happened, I immediately knew who he was. He was a legend in the field of success and achievement. Kop Kopmeyer had written four large books, each of which contained 250 success principles that he had derived from more than fifty years of research and study. I had read all four books from cover to cover, more than once.
After we had chatted for awhile, I asked him the question that many people in this situation would ask, “Of all the one thousand success principles that you have discovered, which do you think is the most important?”
He smiled at me with a twinkle in his eye, as if he had been asked this question many times, and replied, without hesitating, “The most important success principle of all was stated by Thomas Huxley many years ago. He said, ‘Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.’”
He went on to say, “There are 999 other success principles that I have found in my reading and experience, but without self-discipline, none of them work.”
Self-discipline is the key to personal greatness. It is the magic quality that opens all doors for you, and makes everything else possible. With self-discipline, the average person can rise as far and as fast as his talents and intelligence can take him. But without self-discipline, a person with every blessing of background, education and opportunity will seldom rise above mediocrity.

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Persistence Matters

Do you know people that no matter what they had to go through, they persisted. When I think of persistence, I think of babies taking a first step in learning to walk. They fall, and fall again hundreds of times yet they never give up. They just keep getting up. Eventually they learn to take a few wobbly steps, and fall down again. They get back up, and one day they are running all over the place. You must have that same level of persistence in your business of network marketing.

 I know people who have failed a bunch of times but just never gave up. There have been times that I wanted to give up in my life. I told myself this is to hard or I can’t do it. How many times have you said to yourself that I’m not cut out for this kind of thing, I have great products, a great comp plan, great systems to use, the best training yet nobody wants to join my company.  Have you ever had those thoughts??  Well its time to get rid of them.

Persistence means to triumph over every obstacle. Persistence means to never give up. There may be setbacks in my business just like the baby trying to walk had setbacks, but you must persist. The only, and I repeat, only way to fail in Network Marketing is to quit.

 There are times persistence means taking little baby steps, never giving up, and finding ways to overcome obstacles. Where would we be if the Wright Brothers had given up? If Ben Franklin decided to not fly a kite? Think about Colonel Sanders, he received over 1,000 no’s before someone was willing to take a chance on him. Look where Kentucky Fried Chicken is today. So here is some advice for you. If you ever think about quitting, go find the nearest baby, and watch them. It will change your thought pattern quickly.

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Hey Nick, what is your opinion on the recruiting strategy of using genealogy leads vs biz opp leads from places like cutting edge media?

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Many businesspeople achieve their greatest successes in unexpected areas. They begin a business and then they find that it isn’t as profitable as they had anticipated, so they change direction, using their experience and their momentum, and strike pay dirt in something else. The most important thing is to begin, to take action. To move forward one step at a time, learning and growing as you go. There is enough information available in virtually every field for you to become knowledgeable enough to achieve success. But action is necessary.


Success author Orison Swett Marden once wrote, the first part of success is get-to-it-iveness. The second part is stick-to-it-iveness. Every business beginning requires an act of faith and courage, a bold leap into the unknown. Only one in ten people who want to start their own business ever develop enough courage to begin and enough persistence to continue. Get-to-it-iveness. And stick-to-it-iveness. The fear of failure, more than anything else, holds people back. It paralyzes action. And it makes failure inevitable.


Fortunately, even if you know nothing about business, you can begin with a dream, a castle in the air, and then build a foundation under it.


The starting point of many great fortunes has been these seven simple steps. Number one, set a goal and back it with a burning desire. Number two, begin accumulating capital with a regular savings program. Nothing else is possible without this. You cannot move forward until you start a savings program.


Number three, use your current job as a springboard to later success. Learn while you earn. Take the long view. Number four, experiment in business on a limited scale so you can learn the key abilities necessary for success. Number five, search for problems, needs unmet, products or services you can supply of good quality at reasonable prices.


Number six, read everything you can find on your chosen field. Remain flexible. Be willing to change your mind if you get different information. And number seven, implement your plans with courage and persistence. Have complete faith in your ability to succeed and never, never give up.


Now, here are two actions you can take immediately to start moving toward entrepreneurial success:

First, set a goal, make a plan and then launch your plan. Get started. Do something. Begin on a small scale with limited risk and investment but get going!

Second, resolve that, no matter what happens, you will never, never give up until you are successful. Before you accomplish anything worthwhile, you will have to pass the persistence test. And the test will come far sooner than you imagine.

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Today’s post is from the key to multiplying your business recruiting by Payl J. Meyer.

It is obviously imperative that in building your business you must have:

* A desire to build the business,
* The confidence that you can build the business,
* The knowledge necessary to build the business,
* And, of course, a passion for the business.

Two major ingredients that I have used all my life in building marketing organizations are visualization and affirmations.

An affirmation is simply a positive declaration of something you believe to be true or something you expect to become true and desire to live by. Affirmations transform your thinking, your attitudes, and finally, your behavior.  Their impact on attitudes and behavior help to produce the results you desire.

The most effective affirmations are those you compose yourself.  They are based on your goals and describe the person you want to be, the things you want to do, and what you want to possess. When you repeat such affirmations, you build the needed internal confidence and determination to overcome obstacles, accomplish goals, and improve productivity.

To be successful in recruiting…

* You must realize and believe that recruiting is important!
* You must visualize yourself as a recruiter, and
* You must have some affirmations to speak to your sub-conscious mind until you have developed the thoughts and habits of a recruiter.

For Example:

o When I am watching a parade, I always think about recruiting each person as he or she marches by.
o When I am at a big event such as the Super Bowl, I have an incredible desire to get a hold of the microphone for just one minute. “If I were allowed just one minute with the microphone, out of the 80,000+ in the audience, I am sure that there would be at least 5,000 who would want to talk to me about my business. I could just give them my e-mail address and recruit them on the new internet system!”

Listed below are some examples of affirmations.

»» I am the Number One Recruiter in ___________! (Fill in the blank with your network marketing company)
»» I recruit “ten” people a month (include whatever number here is your goal).
»» I am a recruiting magnet.
»» Recruiting is the core of my business.
»» Today I will phone a referred recruit.  He/she will be waiting for my call, and they will join my team!
»» Recruiting is the lifeblood of my business.
»» I spend three-fourths of my time recruiting and training new associates.
»» I am building a huge team every minute of every day!
»» I do some recruiting every day – because it’s the key to success in this business!
»» I recruit the top people in all of __________. (Fill in your network marketing company’s name here).
»» I love talking to people about my business.
»» I love teaching others how to build their downline!
»» Recruiting, Recruiting, Recruiting, Recruiting…

Everybody should write his or her own affirmations.

Write them on 3×5 cards,
Print them in large, bold, print on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.
Tape them in various places around your office.
Put them in your personal planner.
Read them every day. They will stimulate you into action

James Crowson Recent Comment by James Crowson

Thanks for the advice. I have already started implementing it.

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How long have you been in the network marketing industry??  How is your business growing??  If you have been in the Network Marketing industry for very long you have asked this question. Why is it that some people can have Network Marketing Success and others simply don’t ?

The answer is easier than you might think. Although before I answer that question let me lay some groundwork.

Most people that your prospecting  or sponsor will be those just passing through, willing to take a stab at it, the attitude of who knows it might work. The fact is 97% of them will quit and a handful will make something. Notice if you will that I did not say they will fail, I said they will quit, there is a difference.

So what is the answer to the question? Most people quit most things not just network marketing and the reason is they don’t  think like the 2-3% of the population who enjoys great success.  Is it that simple? Yes it actually is. There is a Scripture in Proverbs that states: As a man thinketh in his heart so is head . That is original, that is not someone’s  spin on it or the latest guru’s idea. You are what you think you are. So what is it that you think you are? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I recommend you do and give serious thought to your answer. It will be a determining factor in having success in network marketing or not having success.

If your  thinking is wrong then your actions or behavior will be wrong as well. You cannot think one way and act or live another way.

I have touched on this in other posts, but you need to know you deserve success. If you don’t  think you deserve success, everything else you do will be a moot point. If you think you deserve success then you have no problem thinking about yourself as successful and the result of that over time is you will begin to act successful. Which means you will have success in your home based business but also life. Have a can do attitude, an attitude of no quitting. When you have that success wealth mindset than it is only a matter of time until you experience it.

Why is it that people that have not experienced success in other areas of their lives, consider that a home based business would be any different? What happens is they don’t think and behave like they are successful, and it carries over into all areas of life not just one. However when people don’t experience success in network marketing it is the fault of the industry? It’s a scam or it was not the real deal or some excuse. Change your thinking and that will result in different actions.

It is not network marketing that is the problem or keeping you from success it is your thinking. Network Marketing is actually affording you the chance to change your life. To reach a place where you can experience time freedom and financial freedom. Find out what the successful people are doing and make it your own.

Michael Tipper Recent Comment by Michael Tipper

I think many of us have been programmed early in life to think of success as being having a good job, working for someone else, rather than working for ourselves. Network marketing provides an opportunity to experience owning a business without the huge investment reuired for most traditional businesses. The company does the heavy work for you. But many blame MLM for their lack of success, whereas... Read more

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You need more time… Ok, Why?
You have either said this or heard this at least once in you lifetime.
If you understand the simple importance of what I’m going to share with you right now, you’ll gain a huge value back. Time, which is our most valuable asset and we all have the same about of time, will not make a better decision.
First rule of decision making: More time does not create better decisions.
In fact, it usually decreases the quality of the decision.
More information may help. However, more time without more information just creates anxiety, not insight.
Deciding now frees up your most valuable asset, time, so you can go work on something else. What happens if, starting today, you make every decision as soon as you have a reasonable amount of data?
Learning how to market online can easily lead to information overload or analysis paralysis. If you find your self in a situation where the opportunity cost of decision analysis exceeds the benefits that could be gained by enacting some decision, or non-deterministic situation where the sheer quantity of analysis overwhelms the decision making process itself, thus preventing a decision.
I have made good money on the internet and I fail all the time. In fact, I fail more often than not. You’ll usually hear me say, ”learn to fail faster, the faster you fail, the sooner you’ll find your bulls-eye target for success.”
Finding out what does not work CAN help you find what does work.
Do you ever consider how many decisions you must make to get through a single day? Or, for that matter, how many decisions are required simply to complete your morning routine so you can start your day?
From whether or not to hit the snooze on the alarm to what you will eat for breakfast, what you will wear today, which radio station to listen to, commuting options, which calls or emails to return first, which tasks and projects will take priority on this particular day. Decisions can be so common and continuous that often we barely notice we are making them.

From a business perspective, decision-making has never been more consequential than it is today. In this era of global parity, organizations have nearly equal access to IT resources, capital, inexpensive labor, online customer markets, manufacturing capacity and delivery services. Because these traditional sources of competition have become neutralized, the ability to manage, optimize and automate decisions is emerging as a primary competitive advantage. The enhanced execution of decisions is fundamental for carrying out business strategies faster and more effectively than the competition.

The birth of the internet marketing GURU, the system, the way to create success is not an easy thing to put your finger on. Who do you listen to?
My dad likes to say, “even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.” And it’s true. You shouldn’t pick your strategy by modeling someone else’s success. The success might have been strategic and planned, but it’s just as likely to be a matter of blind luck.
Please don’t get me wrong, I’m a big supporter of modeling successful plans and people. BUT who is a successful person with a successful plan worth modeling? How do you know if you’re following a lucky squirrel who found a nut? Or maybe your following the nut:)
Just trying to make you think.

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PROTECT YOUR FINANCIAL LIFE : I’m sure we’ve all used some of these methods, we need them all as a minimum to provide ourselves just basic protection!  Enjoy! ~ nick :-)
1.  Instead of simply throwing them away, shred any documents with personal or financial information on them
2.  Use a credit card with a small limit whenever you’re wary of giving out your number – perhaps with some mail order or online purchases
3.  Require anyone who solicits you over the phone to first send their information by mail so you can check its legitimacy.  Or, just hang up
4.  Review your monthly statements.  You may find fraudulent charges – or legitimate charges for services you no longer want
5.  Safeguard your family’s important documents in case of a disaster.  Keep emergency supplies on hand, with copies of your important documents in sealed plastic bags.  Keep valuables in a fireproof safe.  Store a set of your important papeers in a safety deposit box (perhaps one outside your immediate vicinity.)  In one or two safe places, keep a copy ofyour household inventory, preferably on tape or disk
6.  Choose your personal identification numbers and passwords wisely, avoiding ones a clever thief could figure out just by learning your birth date or your child’s  name.  A combination of uppercase and lowercase letter, numbers and symbols is best
7.  Make sure anyone asking for your Social Security number really needs it.  Many businesses will accept alternative customer identification numbers if you ask.  Don’t print your Social Security on checks
8.  Opt out of all pre-approved credit card offers by calling 888-567-8688
9.  Be vigilant while using the internet.  Independently verify the validity of any requests for personal information before you give out any of your sensitive data
10.  Protect your computer’s security.  Use anti-virus software, spyware, firewalls and passwords to guard your privacy.

Dennis Cook Recent Comment by Dennis Cook

Nick,  Dennis here - what is the website for $69 program?

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