

Achieving Your Goals

The article today is based on information from billionaire Bill Bartmann on How To Achieve Any Goal.

  1. Make sure your goal is YOUR goal.  Be the person you were meant to be, don’t just follow in your parents footsteps. The wilder the goal the better. Just make sure it is what YOU want.
  2. Don’t call it a goal! Call it a promise! Bill went on to talk about how people miss goals 30% of the time, while they miss promises only 1% of the time. Just by replacing the work ‘goal’ with the work ‘promise’ you are already getting your brain and subconscious working with you.
  3. Clearly articulate your promise.  If you want to be filthy stinking rich that is very vague. Make your promise specific… instead say… I will be a member of Forbes 400 within 5 years as verified in the magazine. That is what Bill promised. Now did he go from nothing to one of the top 400 wealthiest people in the USA in 5 years, no…. it took him 6 months longer… he did it in 5.5 years!  So make sure your promise is very specific.
  4. Identify your personal motivator, your why. You can have a positive motivator such as doing it for a loved one or to help someone. You can have a negative motivator such as do it to show someone, you know when someone tells says you can’t do something you want to prove them wrong. You can have both positive and negative motivators. Bill told the story of how his sister-in-law Connie was his negative motivator over the past 40 years and still is today. She told her sister he’d never be a good husband or father and wouldn’t make anything of himself. Bill used this to build his fortune!
  5. Create a Promise Plan. Bill correlated this to a business plan, but make sure it is succinct, it can be one page. The Promise Plan must describe specifically:
    - What you want (what is your promise)
    -When you want it (specific date)
    -Where you will be when you accomplish it
    -Why do you really want it (list the positive and negative motivators)
    -Who will you need to help you (find people who have done it, who have what you want, who have influence to help make it happen by removing obstacles, etc)
    -How you will achieve it… luckily you don’t need to know this as it is unknowable today!…if you do the what, when, where, why, who…. then the how will show up!
  6. Review your Promise and your Promise Plan 20 minutes every day. As you learn things, update your Promise Plan. Commit to 20 minutes per day. . Find time no matter what you must do to carve out 20 minutes per day.
    -Leave a copy in the bathroom and read it there
    -have a picture of what you want and put it where you will see it during the day. If you work at a desk put it on the wall facing your desk so when you look up you will be reminded of your promise
    -Make a pocket promise. Write your promise on a business size card, laminate it, and keep it in your pocket. Every time you reach in your pocket you will be reminded of your promise.
  7. Tell yourself you will succeed! Self talk must shift from where you are to very positive.  The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Your belief in you, in your product, in your company, in your industry. Have positive affirmations of all the success you have already achieved. Build on your successes.
  8. Profess your promise to others. Success requires commitment. Burn the bridge, burn the boats… there is no retreat to the life from before, raise your level of commitment to moving forward! Telling others does one or more of the following:
    a) others can help you achieve your promise
    b) others will laugh at you (at which point you write their name down and they become your negative motivation!)
    c) forces you  to articulate your promise in one sentence and every time you say it you command your brain to pay attention and realize you are serious which gets the subconscious working on solutions so you can achieve your promise.
  9. Envision your results. Actually see where you are going to get to when you achieve your promise. To put this in perspective, if you or someone you knows worries they are actually seeing a result, albeit a negative result…. why not make it a positive… imagine a positive conclusion!
  10. Take ACTION.  This is critical. Nothing happens until you do something! A body at rest stays at rest, a body in motion stays in motion…. get off the couch and go do something! Make it happen… take action!

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3 Comments for Achieving Your Goals

Larry Clark (seal)

Larry Clark (seal) | April 8, 2011 at 8:01 am

Great information Nick.  Never thought of changing a goal into a promise, but can really understand the difference in the mindset.  Thanks for posting.

Daisy Fishler

Daisy Fishler | April 10, 2011 at 5:07 pm

This is so true.  I like the book “The Secret”.  It is important to keep a positive attitude while you are looking to the future.  Just picture meeting the goals and you shall reach them.  Thank you Nick for sharing such great information constantly.


Carol | August 4, 2011 at 11:27 pm

Nick you are such a Dynamic trainer.  I am so glad we were introduced.  Listening and following the 30-day challenge. Thanks for all you do for everybody to build skills and confidence in people, no matter what Company they represent.



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