

Success Takes One More Time!

You need more time… Ok, Why?
You have either said this or heard this at least once in you lifetime.
If you understand the simple importance of what I’m going to share with you right now, you’ll gain a huge value back. Time, which is our most valuable asset and we all have the same about of time, will not make a better decision.
First rule of decision making: More time does not create better decisions.
In fact, it usually decreases the quality of the decision.
More information may help. However, more time without more information just creates anxiety, not insight.
Deciding now frees up your most valuable asset, time, so you can go work on something else. What happens if, starting today, you make every decision as soon as you have a reasonable amount of data?
Learning how to market online can easily lead to information overload or analysis paralysis. If you find your self in a situation where the opportunity cost of decision analysis exceeds the benefits that could be gained by enacting some decision, or non-deterministic situation where the sheer quantity of analysis overwhelms the decision making process itself, thus preventing a decision.
I have made good money on the internet and I fail all the time. In fact, I fail more often than not. You’ll usually hear me say, ”learn to fail faster, the faster you fail, the sooner you’ll find your bulls-eye target for success.”
Finding out what does not work CAN help you find what does work.
Do you ever consider how many decisions you must make to get through a single day? Or, for that matter, how many decisions are required simply to complete your morning routine so you can start your day?
From whether or not to hit the snooze on the alarm to what you will eat for breakfast, what you will wear today, which radio station to listen to, commuting options, which calls or emails to return first, which tasks and projects will take priority on this particular day. Decisions can be so common and continuous that often we barely notice we are making them.

From a business perspective, decision-making has never been more consequential than it is today. In this era of global parity, organizations have nearly equal access to IT resources, capital, inexpensive labor, online customer markets, manufacturing capacity and delivery services. Because these traditional sources of competition have become neutralized, the ability to manage, optimize and automate decisions is emerging as a primary competitive advantage. The enhanced execution of decisions is fundamental for carrying out business strategies faster and more effectively than the competition.

The birth of the internet marketing GURU, the system, the way to create success is not an easy thing to put your finger on. Who do you listen to?
My dad likes to say, “even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then.” And it’s true. You shouldn’t pick your strategy by modeling someone else’s success. The success might have been strategic and planned, but it’s just as likely to be a matter of blind luck.
Please don’t get me wrong, I’m a big supporter of modeling successful plans and people. BUT who is a successful person with a successful plan worth modeling? How do you know if you’re following a lucky squirrel who found a nut? Or maybe your following the nut:)
Just trying to make you think.

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