

Persistence Matters

Do you know people that no matter what they had to go through, they persisted. When I think of persistence, I think of babies taking a first step in learning to walk. They fall, and fall again hundreds of times yet they never give up. They just keep getting up. Eventually they learn to take a few wobbly steps, and fall down again. They get back up, and one day they are running all over the place. You must have that same level of persistence in your business of network marketing.

 I know people who have failed a bunch of times but just never gave up. There have been times that I wanted to give up in my life. I told myself this is to hard or I can’t do it. How many times have you said to yourself that I’m not cut out for this kind of thing, I have great products, a great comp plan, great systems to use, the best training yet nobody wants to join my company.  Have you ever had those thoughts??  Well its time to get rid of them.

Persistence means to triumph over every obstacle. Persistence means to never give up. There may be setbacks in my business just like the baby trying to walk had setbacks, but you must persist. The only, and I repeat, only way to fail in Network Marketing is to quit.

 There are times persistence means taking little baby steps, never giving up, and finding ways to overcome obstacles. Where would we be if the Wright Brothers had given up? If Ben Franklin decided to not fly a kite? Think about Colonel Sanders, he received over 1,000 no’s before someone was willing to take a chance on him. Look where Kentucky Fried Chicken is today. So here is some advice for you. If you ever think about quitting, go find the nearest baby, and watch them. It will change your thought pattern quickly.

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